I was invited as a guest onto a podcast yesterday and of course, I said yes. If I have learned anything over the years, it's that anytime you have the chance to talk about your art, take it. The podcast is a Houston based production called THNX: A Feelgood Podcast, with host Rand Mintzer. Rand and I chatted for about an hour about everything under the sun, and the whole experience was delightful. The purpose of the interviews is to find people of interest, and ask them about the one person they would like to thank. It's a great concept when you think about it.
There are some rules around the choices. You can't thank your parents or your spouse, even though they deserve a lot of gratitude. Once I cleared all of the obvious answers of thanking Bogdan, my teachers, friends, collectors and the like, the choice was pretty obvious to me. I thanked John Ross Palmer, a local painter who has had some international acclaim, and who started a mentorship programs years ago called the Escapist Program. John started a nonprofit that coined the idea of the Escapism movement, with the idea that artists need not be starving, and that there was a way to escape the whole gallery/museum tradition for artistic success.
I approached John several years ago and asked him for some advice in creating a successful and sustainable art career, and his openness, honestly, and candor influenced me in a huge way. He told me that one could absolutely have a successful art career, but only if you treat the experiment as a business. There are clear strategies, tested systems, and sound business practices that artists can use to become creative entrepreneurs. There is no shame in making money as an artist, and it doesn't mean you have sold out to your muse if you do. After several conversations, John turned to me and said: "You do realize though that it took me 20 years to get to where I am today?" I thought for a moment, and replied; "I've got 20 years!" I figured that at 60 years of age, it was very likely that I would survive at least until I am 80. If I could attain half the success and notoriety that John has achieved, I'd be a happy artist.
I believe in my heart that if you survey a great many of the emerging artists in the Houston area, a significant number of those artists would owe John Ross Palmer a thank you too. It was then that I began to realize how important it is to have that sense of gratitude as I continue to build my art business. That same gratitude is a tool that we all should keep close as we meet other artists, collectors, gallerists, journalists, curators, and art critics. And therefore I want to say thank you to you as well. Your support for me and my journey means the world to me. You are greatly appreciated.
Now, let's go paint something!
Season 4: Episode 12
John Bishop Fine Art is an art business run by visual artist John Bishop. John is based in Houston and he and Bogdan Mihai, are owners of Buburuza Productions, LLC, and co-founders of the charity Aripa Arte. John is an abstract painter and illustrator, a blogger, a vlogger, podcaster, and creative writer. He has authored several children's zines and books, as well as co authored books on photography, and art business themes. He and Bogdan also own and manage a company in Romania, and travel often to Eastern Europe. He maintains a studio at Silver Street Studios in Houston. John posts a weekly blog/vlog/podcast that creates a community, a conversation, between creatives in all sorts of fields at all sorts of levels. He wants to discuss what he's learning, what he's experienced, and whom he's met in his journey of running a freelance creative business. John's art explores how to turn mythic, archetypal symbols into individual experiences allowing us to see them in a new way, with fresh eyes. Join the conversation, the community, and share the journey together.
John Bishop: http://www.johnbishopfineart.com
Bogdan Mihai: http://www.bogdanfotoart.com
Bogdan’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bogdanoninstagram/
John’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnbishopfineart/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JohnBishopart
Buburuza Productions: http://www.Buburuzaproductions.com
Aripa Arte Nonprofit: https://www.aripaarte.org